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2025-2026 Scheduling Resources

2025-2026 Course Selection Guide


2025-2026 Course Selection Forms
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade


2024-2025 Scheduling Resources

2024-2025 Course Selection Guide

GAHS 8th Grade Scheduling 2024 - Information for Parents and Students

Post-Secondary Planning Guide 2023-2024

2024-2025 Course Selection Forms
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade



Student Schedule Changes
Semester One:
Students will be permitted to make schedule changes over the summer with the understanding that counselors have limited hours. A request for schedule change form must be submitted 10 days prior to the 1st day of school for semester one schedule changes. *Any current requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Semester Two:

A request for schedule change form must be submitted before December break. Acceptable reasons for a course change include: academic misplacement, missing prerequisite, failure of a previously taken core subject, graduation requirement, post-secondary goals.

Please keep in mind that any request to change a schedule may result in the loss of another desired core course or elective of your choice (if it conflicts with the new course being requested) or create an unbalanced schedule for the student.  In addition, changes to electives are often very difficult after initial selection.  Elective classes fill up quickly, and initial schedules are balanced in such a way that later changes may not be possible.

If a student requests a schedule change:

  • A schedule change request form needs to be completed by the student and signed by a parent.
  • Turn your completed form into the Counseling Center. All schedule changes must be approved by an administrator. 

Additional Scheduling Forms:
Course Planning Guides

Internship/Teacher Assistance Contract

Transition To Work Application

Independent Study
Dual Enrollment Contract