HACC College in the High School
- If you have never taken a HACC CHS course, you must first apply online at HACC.edu Choose Dual Enrollment. There will be a HACC Application session planned in the high school each semester. If you have questions or concerns about the application process, please contact HACC directly at CHSandDE@hacc.edu or ask the counseling center.
- After you have submitted your application, please complete the Signature Page form, and add your counselor's email at the end of the signature page. Your transcript will be sent to HACC by your counselor.
- Placement testing is required for any student taking ENGL 101, CIS 105, BIOL 121 and MGMT 201. Juniors/Seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher will likely not need placement testing. Also, juniors/seniors that took PSAT and have a Reading score of 450 or higher or SAT with a Reading score of 480 or higher will not need placement testing. All other students will be contacted by HACC to complete a placement test. Look in your Hawkmail mail and the email you signed up for HACC with, for this communication from HACC.
- New Student Orientation Sessions for College in the High School and Dual Enrollment students can be completed by zoom or a slideshow with questions. HACC will email you instructions.
- HACC CHS Cost per credit: Cost is $83.50 per credit. Most CHS courses are 3 credit courses. Anatomy is a 4 credit course. If your family qualifies for free/reduced lunch, you may be eligible to receive help paying for your HACC Course. Please talk to your counselor.
Our available HACC CHS courses are:
HACC CHS English 101 (3 HACC credits, ENGL 101)
HACC CHS English 102 (3 HACC credits, ENGL 102)
HACC CHS Health (3 HACC credits, HLTH 101)
HACC CHS Humans & the Environment (3 HACC credits, BIOL 103)
HACC CHS Anatomy and Physiology (4 HACC credits, BIOL 121)
HACC CHS Intro to Software for Business (3 HACC credits, CIS 105)
HACC CHS Principles of Management (3 HACC credits, MGMT 201) Not offered 24-25
HACC CHS Business 101 (3 HACC credits, BUSI 101)