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GASD JROTC Overview - Meet the Cadet Staff

Army JROTC is a high school elective with a goal “To Motivate Young People To Be Better Citizens.”  The nationally-standardized curriculum is designed as a four-year program, with students progressing from Leadership Education Training level one (or “LET-1”) to LET-4, covering five different progression areas.  The Emerging Leader; The Developing Leader; The Supervising Leader; The Managing Leader, and Continuing Education for Leaders. Students who are not currently enrolled, but scheduled for the following semester are eligible for JROTC integrated co-curricular activities, as long as they are otherwise eligible to participate in athletic programs.

We do not actively recruit for the armed forces or teach any war-fighting skills.  Our purpose is to develop character and discipline and instill the values of service to the nation and community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.  Upon completion of the program students attending college may be eligible for advanced placement in Army ROTC at the discretion of the Professor of Military Science.  Students who choose to enlist in the military services may be eligible for advanced rank and pay if they have successfully completed three or more semesters of JROTC.

Integrated co-curricular Activities: The GAHS JROTC sponsors a Color Guard, Drill Team, Raider Challenge team, Leadership & Academic Bowl teams, and Air Marksmanship program during the year.  Additionally, students will be afforded the opportunity to attend a summer training activity known as the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC), normally scheduled annually during June.

Core Abilities

Core Abilities describe the broad, life-long skills that every Cadet needs for success in future life and career endeavors. The core abilities are a result of the goals and values that drive the JROTC program and are built upon the program’s four years through integrating various lesson competencies and skills throughout the JROTC curriculum. The Core Abilities are:

  • Apply critical thinking techniques
  • Build your capacity for life-long learning
  • Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
  • Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
  • Take responsibility for your actions and choices
  • Treat self and others with respect

Program Outcomes

Program outcomes describe what JROTC Cadets will know and be able to do upon successful completion of the JROTC program. These outcomes also provide documentation for the growth and development of the student and program for re-accreditation purposes, school visitors, parents, and the community. As Cadets complete each LET, their journey toward program outcomes will occur; each program outcome is linked to every LET lesson in the curriculum. Evidence of learning can be witnessed through a Cadet’s Portfolio, which will showcase the continued development of program outcomes. The JROTC Program Outcomes are:

  • Act with integrity and personal accountability as you lead others to succeed in a diverse and global workforce
  • Engage in civic and social concerns in the community, government, and society
  • Graduate prepared to succeed in post-secondary options and career pathways
  • Make decisions that promote positive social, emotional, and physical health
  • Value the role of the military and other service organizations

Course Competencies

Competencies describe discipline-specific measurable and observable skills, knowledge, and attitudes. They are targeted in each lesson of the curriculum. Performance standards (criteria and conditions) provide the specifications for assessing mastery of a competency. Cadets show they have learned competencies by applying them in the completion of assessment tasks that require them to do one or more of the following:

  • Make a decision
  • Perform a skill
  • Perform a service
  • Solve a problem
  • Create a product

For more information, contact Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Mohler or Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Klein at (717) 334-6254, Option 2, Ext. 6193 or visit the US Army JROTC website at