Act 158
GAHS Students and Families -
In 2018, Act 158 was signed into law outlining state graduation requirements and the ways in which students must meet one of Pennsylvania’s five pathways outlined below to earn a diploma and demonstrate career and/or college readiness.
State graduation requirements are effective for students in the Classes of 2023 and beyond. In order to graduate from high school, students must meet all local graduation requirements related to credits and coursework along with the state requirements outlined in Act 158. GASD has required students to demonstrate proficiency in these “Keystone” content areas for graduation for a number of years. However, this law adds another layer of accountability to the work we do with students.
Administrators and school counselors will be working closely with each student to review and help students decide which pathway is best to meet this state-wide graduation requirement. Students set to graduate next year (as the Class of 2023) will receive more specific guidance after the start of the second semester about their current status and recommended pathway options for graduation. We will communicate with parents/families individually as needed.
While this is a reminder for all students to try their best on state assessments and other exams, it’s also a reminder that all students need to capitalize on the opportunities at GAHS as they forge an educational pathway that aligns with their passions and interests.
ACT 158 – State Graduation Pathways (Link to GRAPHIC)
For students graduating in 2023 and beyond, the following pathway options exist to meet the state graduation requirements outlined in Act 158:
- Keystone Proficiency Pathway: Scoring proficient or advanced on all three Keystone Exams (Algebra I, Literature, and Biology)
- Keystone Composite Pathway: Earning a satisfactory composite score (4452) on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams (while achieving at least one proficient/advanced score and no score of below basic on the remaining two)
- Alternate Assessment Pathway: Successful completion of locally established, grade-based requirements for academic content areas associated with each Keystone Exam (i.e. passing final course grades in Algebra I, Biology, and English 2) and one of the following:
- Attainment of an established score on an approved alternate assessment:
- SAT (1010), PSAT (970), ACT (21), ASVAB (31)
- Gold Level on the ACT WorkKeys Assessment
- Attainment of 3 or better on an Advanced Placement Program exam in an academic content area associated with each Keystone Exam on which the student did not achieve at least a proficient score.
- Successful completion of a concurrent enrollment course (college dual enrollment class) in an academic content area associated with each Keystone Exam in which the student did not achieve at least a proficient score.
- Successful completion of a pre-apprenticeship program.
- Acceptance in an accredited 4-year nonprofit institution of higher education and evidence of the ability to enroll in college-level coursework.
- Evidence-Based Pathway: Successful completion of locally established, grade-based requirements for academic content areas associated with each Keystone Exam (i.e., Passing final course grades in Algebra I, Biology, and English 2) and demonstration of three pieces of evidence consistent with the student’s goals and career plans, including:
- ONE or more of the following:
- Attainment of 630 or better on any SAT Subject Area Test
- Attainment of Silver Level on the ACT WorkKeys assessment
- Attainment of 3 or better on any Advanced Placement Program Exam
- Acceptance to an other-than-4-year Institution of Higher Education (IHE) for college-level coursework
- Attainment of an industry-recognized credential (Ex. OSHA certification)
- Successful completion of any concurrent enrollment or postsecondary course
- And no more than TWO additional pieces of evidence from the following:
- Satisfactory completion of a service-learning project
- Attainment of a score of proficient or advanced on any Keystone Exam
- A letter guaranteeing full-time employment or military enlistment
- Successful completion of an internship or cooperative education program
- Satisfactory compliance with the NCAA’s Division II academic requirements
- ONE or more of the following:
- Career and Technical Education Pathway: Career and Technical Education (CTE) Concentrators, (ACTI or GAHS - POS): Successful completion of locally established, grade-based requirements for academic content areas associated with each Keystone Exam (i.e., Passing final course grades in Algebra I, Biology, and English 2) and ONE of the following:
- Attainment of an industry-based competency certification
- Demonstration of the high likelihood of success on an industry-based competency assessment
- Readiness for continued engagement in the CTE Concentrator’s program of study
- Students with Disabilities: Individual educational programs (developed by the IEP team) will create customized pathways to a diploma for students with a disability.
Act 158 Pathways to Graduation Guide
There are plenty of opportunities built into the systems of our school to create options for each individual student to achieve the requirements of Act 158. As we track required graduation credit requirements, we will also be tracking pathway requirements and options as we work with students.
The best approach for all students… #BeHere to find YOUR opportunities. #BeInvolved with creating a pathway that makes sense for YOU. #BeCommitted to doing YOUR very best in all that you do.
Go Warriors!
Jeremy Lusk
Principal | Gettysburg Area High School