What's Happening at GAHS
Spring Parent Conferences are set for Wednesday, February 19th.
The GAHS Schedule Fest and Spring Open House are set for February 12.
GAHS students will perform in the spring musical, "Into the Woods," on February 28 and March 1.
Thirteen GAHS students earned academic honors from College Board's National Recognition Program.
Earth science teacher Amanda Lain was among three staff members to receive GASD Glows awards.
Important Dates
February 12
GAHS Schedule Fest - Two opportunities to attend - 5:15 - 6:00 PM or 6:30 - 7:15 PM
February 12
GAHS Spring Open House - 6-8 PM
February 13
Early Dismissal for students/PD Day @ 11 AM
February 14 & February 17
No School for Students - PD Days
February 19
Spring Parent Conferences - 2:45 PM to 5:15 PM
February 28 & March 1
Spring Musical "Into the Woods" - 7 PM on Feb. 28 and 2 PM and 7 PM on March 1
March 7
Early Dismissal/PD Day @ 11 AM
March 7
HS Spring Concert @ 7 PM